Drunk driving is a massively illegal things across the globe, however there are people who still drive while drunk. Lets see some of the facts about drunk driving! Driving while drunk facts Some of the statistical facts about drunk driving are:...
This is a very common question that how much weight can a person lose in one day! Well the honest answer is that it’s variable. We will try to discuss in this article that what are those variables and what’s the...
Scorpions hunt usually at night and use their sting against the prey or predator, both. Every scorpion contains venom (usually neurotoxic), however not all are deadly for adult humans but can be fatal for children. Before moving to the treatment of...
Water is needed by our body for maintaining homeostasis and good heath!Homeostasis means maintenance of normal internal body systems. Although there is no specific standard quantity of daily water intake, as it varies based on individuals, their routine and health, certain...
See any movie or video showing prisoners and they’re mostly fit or at least muscular! Although no one feels jealous of their life maybe, but many people admire their physique and strength and makes them wonder that how do prisoners gain...
The things we consume these days from the market and brands are so much toxic that one gets confused what to eat and what not to! In fact most people keep eating the toxins because there isn’t anything left to eat...
What does BMI stand for? BMI stands for Body Mass Index. Definition of BMI BMI is a measure of relative size of an individual based on his body mass and height. BMI is defined as body mass of a person divied...
A common question asked by most of the skinny people, “how can I gain weight?”. It might surprise the fat ones as it’s commonly believed that getting slim is the goal! No! getting fit is! and overweight and underweight both are...
Weight gain can be a pain and issue for people with high metabolism. No matter what they eat it gets burned out by their high metabolism! If you’re suffering with the same issue, don’t worry, here we will explain you how...
Well running is one of the most amazing and fun way to lose weight. It might seem difficult in the beginning but once you get hold of it, it’s just great! It also keeps your body in fitness, so you not...