YDA Islamabad protested against brutal act of police and government against the doctors of punjab hospitals. They blocked the road for traffic for 2 hours and recorded their protest on media (geo and express) however, none was showed on tv or...
Salter-Harris fracture is one which involves eipphyseal plate (growth plate) of a bone. 15% of the long bone fractures occurring in childhood are salter harris fractures. Salter-Harris fracture is a common injury in children. Types of Salter Harris fracture and their...
Gustilo is the most commonly used system to classify open fractures. This was created by Ramon Gustilo and Anderson and then expanded by Gustilo Mendoz and Williams later on. Gustilo system of classification uses the amount of energy, soft tissue damage...
Losing weight is easy, keeping it off is hard . . . So in this post, I’ll share some info and tips on how to avoid weight gain once you’ve shed some pounds. Please note, there is no hard fast rule...
What is pulse pressure ? Pulse Pressure (PP) is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure values. In lay mans terms, pulse pressure is the difference between the highest and the lowest values of your blood pressure. For example, if...
3 days ago, a patient was bought in Emergency and Resuscitation room of PIMS (Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad). He died yesterday. Lets have a quick review of 2 days that he spent in the hospital. The person who bought...
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad, conducted tests for houe jobs in all departments (medicine, surgery, paeds, gynae & obs, neonatology) last week. The test includes basically scenario based MCQ’s and is very much practical. The test doesn’t include the...
Winter it on! cold breeze, cracking lips, crispy weather, it all calls for better skin care as usual skin care regimes fail in this season. During winters, skin becomes tight, dull, dry and lacks moisture due to cold weather. It can...
Before we get into the details please be advised that trying to lose 1 kg a day might be fine but if you continue doing so then it can be harmful. I.e don’t try to lose 10 kg in 10 days...
Acute Otitis externa (AOE) is also known as swimmers ear. As the name suggests, it’s an acute condition. AOE is characterised by diffuse pain in the external ear. This is accompanied with infection of the external ear canal skin and underlying...