Elbow Joint stiffness and pain after Gym exercise
Joint stiffness and muscle pains are a common complain among gymmers, even if you are very much athletic and pro in resistance training. If you leave your body and muscles for a long time without any proper physical activity, they tend to go in a different phase. That sedentary phase then requires a lot of effort and sometimes pain to get rid of it.
There is a popular saying about muscles:
They build like ice, they melt like ice
Although if you have been an athlete or in good shape in past and started physical activity after an inactive phase now, you will be much faster in gaining your previous state of health then a fresh trainee. But you will still have pain after gym and irritation for first few days at least.
Elbow Joint stiffness and pain after Gym exercise

Similar thing happened to me recently. I started gym after long long phase of inactivity, without any proper physical activity. Result? One of my arm got seriously stiff. At first, it was very irritating all the time. After some time, the pain was there when i tried to stretch it and was literally unable to stretch the arm to full length. I wasn’t able to completely stretch it straight. Stretching it beyond a certain degree was not possible without passive and painful force.
So how did it get fixed? Well the solution to this and other similar joint issues is very simple, just read along. Provided that you haven’t damaged any of the joint structure and it’s just the stiffness causing pain.
How to get rid of Elbow Joint stiffness and pain after Gym exercise
The solution to this type of pain after gym and other issues and general body irritation and pain is:
- Re exercise. simply do the same exercise next day or follow your simple routine exercise for couple of days. Believe me, the pain will go away. Why? Due to many reasons. To keep it short, the muscles will become used to it and also by re-exercise, blood flow to the same area will take away the lactic acid and pain causing chemicals.
- Do an oil massage. One of the best way of temporary (sometimes permanent) relief of such pain. Simply use olive oil or any other oil of your choice and massage gently over the affected muscle area (all of it). Preferably ask someone else to do it for you if possible.
- Take the pain killer. Of course if the pain is unbearable, take some pain killer. Don’t forget to have a good meal and a very good rest. Don’t strain yourself and next time try not to over exert and do only as much as your body permits.
Remember if this pain after gym doesn’t go off, consult your physician. Go to a hospital as soon as possible to avoid any serious damage.
While training, remember that the purpose of the training is not to break yourself. It’s to understand your body and build it. Note, UNDERSTAND and BUILD, both.
Very nice post!