Pollen allergy season in Islamabad, Pakistan
March and April are the months of pollen allergy in Islamabad, Pakistan. The influx of patients to the emergency department with aggravated asthma in these months is too high. P.I.M.S (Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences) has set up a seperate allergy clinic for asthma allergy patients in emergency to manage the patients as soon as they get into the hospital.
Tips to avoid pollen allergy outcomes for the patients with asthma specially:
Avoid dust
- Avoid going into the hilly areas or lush green areas where pollen is in abundance
- Wear the protective mask to keep out any pollens from getting into your wind pipe
- Avoid cold
- Nebulize everyday for around 10 minutes
- keep the inhaler with you at all times, specially when you go out
- Take mast cell stabalizer (monteka for example) and antihistamine (telfast-d for example) during this season to help avoind getting pollen allergy attacks.
If the patient gets serious shortness of breath (SOB) don’t wait for magic to happen at home, rush him or her to the hospital.
I am allergic to carpet since 2003 [symptoms I faced were; nose, chest blocked, chest tightness, severe cough but no irritation in throat]. Recovered in 2004 by removal of carpet from house and also by taking medicines [puff inhaler, vicks steam, zedatine [zatofen/ketotifen in pak]. For the last few months, though I have no carpet in my house, I am having the same problem, symptoms as above with the addition of irritation in throat. vicks steam help, zatofen partially helps, I have not used puff inhaler as I am taking blood pressure medicine [renitec 10 mg, Norvasc 5 mg]. Your advice in this regard will be highly appreciated.
best regards
Rashid first of all you should visit a pulmonologist to get detailed checkup and expert advice.
Secondly, make sure you’re not encountering dust during your day or near your home.
Do you have any pets in house?
Do you use perfume?
Which food items are you allergic to?
Figure out these questions and they may help too, but again, visit the specialist asap!