What is tooth sensitivity?
If you feel pain or discomfort when having cold, hot, sweet or very acidic foods, then probably you have tooth sensitivity. Patients suffering with teeth sensitivity can even sometimes get it triggered by a breath of cold air! The pain is usually sharp and shoots deep! The disease can occur in any age, however it’s common in people between age 20 and 40.
What is tooth sensitivity?
Tooth sensitivity is also known as dentin hypersensitivity or root sensitivity. It is not a painful condition rather a discomforting stimulus that is generated due to exposure to hot and cold. The response is generally more than usual.
Causes of tooth sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is due to exposure of dentin caused either by gum recession or the loss of the enamel layer that could be due certain factors like erosion, abrasion and carious exposure.
Dentin contains large number of pores through which our different nerve fibers like c-fibers or Adelta fibers run from the center to the outside of the tooth. These nerves get stimulated when exposed to changes in temperature due to certain foods.
What can be done if you have tooth sensitivity?
If you’ve developed sensitivity of your teeth, then the best thing to do before trying any home remedies is to get it diagnosed and managed by an expert dentist. Several things that can be done for tooth sensitivity include:
- The best way to find out the reason and the cause is to have a dental professional examine you
- To begin with firstly, it is dental history or the oral habits of the patient
- Then next comes the, sensitivity tests to determine the cause of the chief complain
- Planning out the treatment and follow up
What if the sensitivity is due to caries?
Causes of teeth sensitivity could be due to progressing caries that can be restored by undergoing restorative treatment such as fillings in the most conservative manner.
Secondly, if the sensitivity is due to a gum disease, then there are number of professionals and home remedies that can considerably help in sensitivity reduction.
Treatment of tooth sensitivity:
Again, the best thing to do in case of tooth sensitivity is to consult a specialist. However if you’ve done it already or don’t have access to an expert currently, there are certain home remedies of sensitive tooth management such as:
- Saline rinses. The salts present help in clogging the exposed tubules
- Use of soft bristles
- Avoid over brushing
- Use of toothpaste containing high fluoride content
- Use of toothpaste containing pro-argin as the second important ingredient after fluoride
Pro-argin works through a process in which the dentinal tubules are occluded by attracting arginine and calcium carbonate and forms a seal which provides instant relief in tooth sensitivity.
Method of application of pro-argin:
Patient suffering from sensitive teeth condition are usually advised to use it twice a day for lasting relief. one should avoid rinsing his or her mouth and leave it over night.
Second method is to apply directly on to the tooth surface and massage it for 1 min.
Always seek the help of dental professional depending on your situation. Try not to diagnose it yourself since it can be an alarming sign for some other unknown conditions and can complicate if left untreated on time.